How Would Your Quarterly Report Look?

Time has a way of moving faster than we realise. One moment, we’re setting goals and making plans, and the next, we’re several months into the year wondering where all that time went.

When was the last time you paused to reflect on how the year is shaping up? Are you making progress toward the vision you had? Are you prioritizing the things that truly matter?

Here are some questions I’ve been asking myself lately. Maybe they’ll help you, too, as you take stock of where you are and where you’re headed.

1. Projects: Am I Making Progress?

What key projects were you planning to tackle this year? Have you started? Are you on track?

I remember enrolling in an intensive language course a while back. I was determined to learn Spanish, and I’d had success with similar approaches in the past. But by the end of the course, I learned two things: I don’t have a natural ear for languages, and for me, learning a language is going to be a slow and steady process—not a sprint.

It was a humbling realization, but it helped me adjust my approach. Sometimes, the plans we start with need to be reevaluated along the way.

What about you? Are your projects where you thought they’d be by now? If not, what adjustments could help you get back on track?

Action Step: Take an honest look at your progress on key projects. If you’re not where you hoped to be, tweak your approach and set a plan for moving forward.

2. Priorities: Are They Guiding My Decisions?

At the start of the year, most of us identify some key areas to prioritise—our health, relationships, career, or spiritual life. But priorities aren’t just words; they’re reflected in how we spend our time, energy, attention, and resources.

Have you been making the shifts necessary to elevate those priorities in your life? If not, what needs to change?

One of my personal priorities lately has been to invest more in relationships. I’ve been working on resetting my default decisions, choosing connection over convenience even when time feels tight or tasks are pressing. It’s not always easy, but it’s worth it.

What about you? Are you noticing changes that show your priorities are guiding your behavior and decisions?

Action Step: Identify one way you can align your time and energy more closely with your key priorities.

3. Wellness: Am I Trending Up or Down?

Wellness isn’t just about physical health; it’s about creating margin, cultivating relationships, and reducing stress. Ask yourself:

  • Do I have more or less margin in my life?

  • Are my relationships closer or more distant?

  • Am I eating better or worse?

  • Am I getting enough sleep?

  • Am I moving more or less?

  • Am I more or less financially stressed?

Wellness is a long game. Small changes now can lead to big gains later, but it starts with taking an honest inventory of where you are today.

Action Step: Pick one area of your wellness to focus on improving this season.

4. Gaps: Where Am I Dropping the Ball?

Let’s be honest—there are probably areas where you’re not hitting the mark. Maybe it’s a commitment you made to yourself or others. Maybe it’s a goal that keeps falling off your radar.

The question is: what are you going to do about it?

  • Do you need to let go of a commitment that no longer fits your capacity?

  • Do you need to adjust your timelines or priorities?

  • Do you need to delegate or enlist help?

Dragging around the mental weight of unmet commitments isn’t helpful. Instead, reassess, adjust, and make a plan that works for you.

Action Step: Identify one gap and decide how you’ll address it—whether by adjusting, delegating, or letting it go.

Living Deliberately

Taking time to reflect on your progress isn’t just a nice exercise; it’s essential for living a deliberate and meaningful life.

So how’s your “quarterly report” shaping up? Are you on track with your goals, priorities, and wellness? If not, what small steps can you take to course-correct and move closer to the life you’re aiming for?

The year isn’t over yet. There’s still time to make it one that counts.


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